Highlight of First Day Car Audio Network International 2022 Judges and Competitors Training

  • Oleh : redaksi

Selasa, 14/Jun/2022 12:01 WIB

Soundandmachine.com (Jakarta) - The wait is finally over and it is here, Car Audio Network (CAN) 2022 Training had finalize its first day. This particular event is an annual spectacle in car audio industry.  
Not to mention it is significantly important, this event is most anticipated event of the year. The last time CAN held an international training was the 2020.  
Attended by 6 countries in total, CAN 2022 International Training also a place to be for meeting friends within the same car audio world and networking opportunity for competitors and installer.  
CAN founder, Wahyu Tanuwidjaja conduct a very nice method of training and listened by audiences from Malaysia, Thailand, and Philippines.  
It was also attended by judges and competitors from South Korea, Vietnam, including the home country, Indonesia.  
On its first day, June 13th, 2022 in Grand Orchardz Hotel - Jakarta, CAN training open the session with updating 2022 rules and regulation including ethic code in a contest, registration steps and how to score big in a contest.  
Audio setting and modification will indicate its class category and will significantly impacting on judge marking.
Not only explaining in theory but Wahyu also demonstrate it by audio equipment that already set in training.  
Complete with its seating position, all illustrated as you are in a real car audio contest to experiencing and applying information that has been told to judges and competitors.  
CAN International Training 2022 also supported by several audio brands. Audiocircle, Blam, Venture, Alpine, Audison, Focal, Dominations, Boost!, Hertz, Z3RO, Vibrofiltr and Beebot Automotive, all are displaying products inside the training area.  
Qualified competition by CAN will support the industry. (Joule, Febri)

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